Obituario por Eloise Quiñones Keber.
- Klor de Alva, Jorge, Henry B. Nicholson, y Eloise Quiñones Keber, eds. 1988. The Work of Bernardino de Sahagún. Pioneer Ethnographer of Sixteenth-Century Aztec Mexico. Albany: State University of New York, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies/Austin: University of Texas Press.
- Nicholson, Henry B., y Eloise Quiñones Keber. 1983. Art of Aztec Mexico. Treasures of Tenochtitlan. Catálogo de exposición. Washington D. C.: National Gallery of Art.
- Nicholson, Henry B., y Eloise Quiñones Keber, eds. 1994. Mixteca-Puebla. Discoveries and Research in Mesoamerican Art and Archaeology. Lancaster: Labyrinthos Press.
- Nicholson, Henry B., Arthur J. O. Anderson, Charles E. Dibble, Eloise Quiñones Keber, y Wayne Ruwet. 1997. Primeros Memoriales by Bernardino de Sahagún. Paleografía y traducción de Thelma D. Sullivan. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press; Madrid: Patrimonio Nacional; Real Academia de la Historia.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1984. “Art as History. The Illustrated Chronicle of the Codex Telleriano-Remensis as a Historical Source”. En Native Sources and the History of the Valley of Mexico. Proceedings 44 International Congress of Americanists, Manchester 1982). Edición de Jacqueline de Durand-Forest, 95-116. bar International Series 204. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1987a. “From Tollan to Tlapallan. The Tale of Quetzalcoatl in the Codex Vaticanus A”. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 3 (1): 76-94.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1987b. “Ritual and Representation in the Tonalamatl of the Codex Borbonicus”. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 3 (2): 184-195.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1987c. “The Codex Telleriano-Remensis and the Codex Vaticanus A. Thompson’s Prototype Reconsidered”. Mexicon. Aktuelle Informationen und Studien zu Mesoamerika 9 (1): 8-16.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1988a. “Reading Images. The Making and Meaning of the Sahaguntine Illustrations”. En The Work of Bernardino de Sahagún. Pioneer Ethnographer of Sixteenth-Century Aztec Mexico. Edición de Jorge Klor de Alva, Henry B. Nicholson y Eloise Quiñones Keber, 199-210. Albany: State University of New York, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies; Austin: University of Texas Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1988b. “Deity Images and Texts in the Primeros Memoriales and Florentine Codex”. En The Work of Bernardino de Sahagún. Pioneer Ethnographer of Sixteenth-Century Aztec Mexico. Edición de Jorge Klor de Alva, Henry B. Nicholson y Eloise Quiñones Keber, 255-272. Albany: State University of New York, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies; Austin: University of Texas Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1988c. “The Sahaguntine Corpus: A Bibliographic Index of Extant Documents”. En The Work of Bernardino de Sahagún. Pioneer Ethnographer of Sixteenth-Century Aztec Mexico. Edición de Jorge Klor de Alva, Henry B. Nicholson y Eloise Quiñones Keber, 341-345. Albany: State University of New York, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies; Austin: University of Texas Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1988d. “The Aztec Image of Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl”. En Smoke and Mist. Mesoamerican Studies in Memory of Thelma D. Sullivan. Edición de J. Kathryn Josserand y Karen Dakin, 329-343. BAR International Series 204. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1989. “Mayahuel and Maguey. Sustenance and Sacrifice in an Aztec Myth”. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 5 (2): 72-83.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1991. “Xolotl. Dogs, Death and Deities in Aztec Myth”. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 7 (2): 229-239.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1992. “(Re)Discovering Aztec Images”. En Amerindian Images and the Legacy of Columbus. Edición de René Jara y Nicholas Spadaccini, 132-162. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1993a. “Tonacatecuhtli and Tonacacihuatl. Aztec Deities of Transcendence and Tonalli”. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 9 (2): 173-186.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1993b. “Quetzalcoatl as Dynastic Patron. The ‘Acuecuexatl Stone’ Reconsidered”. En The Symbolism in the Plastic and Pictorial Representations of Ancient Mexico. Edición de Jacqueline de Durand-Forest y Marc Eisinger, 149-156. Bonn: Holos.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise, ed. 1994a. Chipping away on Earth. Studies in Prehispanic and Colonial Mexico in Honor of Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble. Lancaster: Labyrinthos Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1994b. “The Codex Style. Which Codex? Which Style?”. En Mixteca Puebla. Discoveries and Research in Mesoamerican Art and Archaeology. Edición de Henry B. Nicholson y Eloise Quiñones Keber, 143-152. Lancaster: Labyrinthos Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1994c. “The Mixteca-Puebla Concept in Mesoamerican Archaeology: A Further Examination”. En Five Hundred Years after Columbus. Proceedings of the 47th International Congress of Americanists. Edición de E. Wyllys Andrews V y Elizabeth Oster Mozzillo, 102-105. Nueva Orleans: Tulane University.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1995a. “Painting the Nahua Universe. Cosmology and Cosmogony in the Codex Vaticanus A, Part 1. Introduction and Translation”. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 11 (2): 183-205.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1995b. Codex Telleriano-Remensis. Ritual, Divination and History in a Pictorial Aztec Manuscript. Austin: University of Texas Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1996. “Creating the Nahua Cosmos. The Myth of the Four Suns in the Codex Vaticanus A”. Latin American Indian Literatures Journal 12 (2): 192-211.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1997a. “An Introduction to the Images, Artists and Physical Features of the Primeros Memoriales”. En Primeros Memoriales of Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, 15-51. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 1997b. “Tonacatecuhtli y Tonacacihuatl. Trascendencia y tonalli en el tonalamatl”. En Códices y documentos sobre México. Segundo Simposio. Vol. 2. Edición de Salvador Rueda Smithers, Constanza Vega Sosa y Ro¬drigo Martínez Baracs, 231-242. México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia/Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise, ed. 2000a. In Chalchihuitl in Quetzalli/Precious Greenstone, Precious Quetzal Feather. Mesoamerican Essays in Honor of Doris Heyden. Lancaster: Labyrinthos Press.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2000b. “La leyenda de los cuatro soles en el Códice Vaticano A”. En Códices y documentos sobre México. Tercer Simposio Internacional. Vol. 1. Coordinación de Constanza Vega Sosa, 379-390. México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise, ed. 2002a. Representing Aztec Ritual. Image, Text, and Performance in the Work of Sahagún. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2002b. “Representing Aztec Ritual in the Work of Sahagún”. En Representing Aztec Ritual. Image, Text, and Performance in the Work of Sahagún. Edición de Eloise Quiñones Keber, 3-19. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2002c. “Painting Divination in the Florentine Codex”. En Representing Aztec Ritual. Image, Text, and Performance in the Work of Sahagún. Edición de Eloise Quiñones Keber, 251-276. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2002d. “Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica: Ceramics”. Grove Art Online.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2002e. “Quetzalcóatl, patrono dinástico mexica”. Arqueología Mexicana 53: 46-49.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2004. “Représentations graphiques de la divination dans le Codex de Florence”. En Le Mexique prèhispanique et colonial. Hommage à Jacqueline de Durand Forest. Edición de Patrick Lesbre y Marie-José Vabre, 127-148. París: L’Harmattan.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2005. “Female Deities of Divination in Aztec Manuscripts”. En Painted Books and Indigenous Knowledge in Mesoamerica. Manuscript Studies in Honor of Mary Elizbeth Simth. Edición de Elizabeth Hill-Boone, 27-41. Nueva Orleans: Tulane University, Middle American Research Institute.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2008. “La representación sobre papel del poder entre los mexicas”. En Símbolos de poder en Mesoamérica. Coordinación de Guilhem Olivier, 175-192. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2013. “Introductory Essay. Art and Evangelization. Creating a New Art in 16th-Century Mexican Missions”. Colonial Latin American Review 22 (1): 2-18.
- Quiñones Keber, Eloise. 2019. “Surviving Conquest. Depicting Aztec Deities in Sahagún’s Historia”. En The Florentine Codex. An Encyclopedia of the New World in Sixteenth-Century Mexico. Edición de Jeanette Favrot Peterson y Kevin Terracciano, 77-94. Austin: University of Texas Press.
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