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Publicado: 2022-11-09

Nezahualcóyotl's ‘lamentaciones’ and their nahuatl origins: the westernization of ephemerality

Universidad de Iowa


The bibliographical history of the Spanish prose poems known as Nezahualcóyotl's 'Lamentaciones' has a kind of Borgesian fascination, though this does not perhaps quite make up for the mass of details needed just to identify them. But clearly they have to be identified before they can be at all related and compared with possible Náhuatl sources in the Cantares mexicanos and the Romances de los señores de la Nueva España. When editing the manuscripts, Ángel María Garibay made the promise to do this work one day, but did not live to keep it.

Cómo citar

Brotherston, Gordon. 2022. «Nezahualcóyotl’s ‘lamentaciones’ and Their Nahuatl Origins: The Westernization of Ephemerality». Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl 10 (noviembre):393-408.
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