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Publicado: 2022-10-21

A Structural and Semantic Analysis of Classical Nahuatl Kinship Terminology

State University of New York


Interest in Nahuatl kinship terminology had an inauspicious beginning in Lewis Henry Morgan's classic Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity (1871). Morgan speculated on the nature of the Na­huatl system, but never received data from any part of Mesoamerica. Adolf Bandelier (1877), a student of Morgan, soon filled the information gap and supplied the list of terms taken from Alonso de Molina's dictionary of Classical Nahuatl. Radin ( 1925 ) and Watkins (1930) gave lists based on Molina in their comparative works, and Molina also served as the basis for the first analytical discussion of Nahuatl kinship.

Cómo citar

Gardner, Brant. 2022. «A Structural and Semantic Analysis of Classical Nahuatl Kinship Terminology». Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl 15 (octubre):89-124.
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