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Publicado: 2022-10-05

Orientation Calendar in Mesoamerica: Hypothesis Concerning their Structure, Use and Distribution

Universidad de Erlangen-Nuremberg


The basis for any calendar is the observation of the path of the sun, moon and also the stars which have since time immemorial determined the ordering and measuremerit of time for Man. These very astronomical phenomena also give him the means with which to find bis way in his environment —making it possible to recognize and determine the cardinal directions. By orientation calendars we mean such calendars whose structure and subdivisions are derived from events resulting from the annual motion of the sun on the horizon. The direction towards specific points on the horizon was fixed purposefully, following ancient traditions, by tracing orientation lines in the landscape; in many cases, these lines passed through buildings oriented in these very directions. In the last two decades it has become increasingly evident that these direction lines were used in Mexico and in the Maya area with great frequency, precision and on a wide scale and were applied widely in the planning of towns, ceremonial centers and of settlements with their surrounding fields. The solstitial points with the sunrises and sunsets on the days of the summer and winter solstices were of fundamental importance to the inhabitants of Mesoamerica.

Cómo citar

Tichy, Franz. 2022. «Orientation Calendar in Mesoamerica: Hypothesis Concerning Their Structure, Use and Distribution». Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl 20 (octubre):183-99.
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