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Publicado: 2022-10-03

The Codex Ramírez: copy or original?


Although long used as a basic source on Aztec history, the Codex Ramirez Manuscript (MNA Mexico 35-100) has never been subjected to close textual analysis to determine its  relationship to other sixteenthcentury historical documents in the native tradition. It has generally been presumed to be an abridged version of Diego Durán's Historia de las Yndias de Nueva España (BN Madrid VT 26-11), with sorne minor additions which include the  introduction of a series of errors regarding the reigns of the Aztec emperors.

Cómo citar

Couch, N. C. Christopher. 2022. «The Codex Ramírez: Copy or Original?». Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl 21 (octubre):109-25.
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