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Publicado: 2022-09-26

The Thirtheen Volatiles Representation and Symbolism


The few codices, or native pictorial books, left behind by the Aztecs are remnants of a much larger tapestry of symbolism and philosophy which, before European contact, was passed on to every new generation, which in turn wove more onto it, making it richer and more beautiful. Since the Spanish Conquest, the fabric of this ideological system has beep torn, and its disintegrating threads have become interwoven with those of Westem thought. Nevertheless, small pieces, when interpreted together, can provide a glimpse of the whole.

Cómo citar

Kendall, Jonathan. 2022. «The Thirtheen Volatiles Representation and Symbolism». Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl 22 (septiembre):99-131.
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