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Publicado: 2022-09-21

Decapitation among the Aztecs: mithology, agriculture and polities, and hunting

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas
Universidad Libre de Bruselas


Decapitation in Aztec Mexico was so important that both the written and the archaeological record are full of examples of its practice. Decapitation involves the fields of mythology, politics and economy (agriculture and hunting). All four aspcets will be mentioned, but the agricultural one stands out.

Cómo citar

Baquedano, Elizabeth, y Michel Graulich. 2022. «Decapitation Among the Aztecs: Mithology, Agriculture and Polities, and Hunting». Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl 23 (septiembre):163-78.
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