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Reseñas y comentarios bibliográficos
Publicado: 2023-01-26

Sobre Élodie Dupey García and Elena Mazzetto, eds., Mesoamerican Rituals and the Solar Cycle: New Perspectives on the Veintena Festivals

Georgia State University


Reseña sobre Élodie Dupey García and Elena Mazzetto, eds. Mesoamerican Rituals and the Solar Cycle: New Perspectives on the Veintena Festivals. New York: Peter Lang, 2021.

Cómo citar

Bassett, Molly H. 2023. «Sobre Élodie Dupey García and Elena Mazzetto, eds., Mesoamerican Rituals and the Solar Cycle: New Perspectives on the Veintena Festivals». Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl 65 (enero):351-59.
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