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Publicado: 2014-01-01

Narrativas de Tlatelolco sobre la Conquista de México

anales Cuauhtemoc conquista Tlatelolco Códice florentino malinche mexica


Este ensayo analiza un texto en náhuatl de Tlatelolco conocido por el título de “Lista de los gobernantes”, y que es parte de los Anales de Tlatelolco. La narrativa recuenta el viaje a Honduras que Cuauhtémoc y otros tlatoque hicieron con Cortés, las muertes injustas de los líderes nahuas, y la aparición repentina de dos valientes guerreros de Tlatelolco que pelearon contra los españoles durante la conquista. El presente análisis del texto original ofrece una comparación de las referencias a estos dos héroes de Tlatelolco, que figuran en el libro XII del Códice florentino. Como registros de la tradición oral plasmados en papel, dichos anales representan la memoria social de los tlatelolca.


  1. Anales de Tlatelolco: unos anales históricos de la nación mexicana y Códice de Tlatelolco, versión preparada y anotada por Heinrich Berlin, con un resumen de los anales y una interpretacion del códice por Robert H. Barlow, Mexico, Antiguo Libreria Robredo de Jose Porrua e Hijos, 1948.
  2. Bricker, Victoria, The Indian Christ, the Indian King: The Historical Substrate of Maya Myth and Ritual, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1981.
  3. Caballero, Paula Lopez, Los títulos primordiales del centro de México, Mexico, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2003.
  4. Carrasco, Pedro, The Tenochca Empire of Ancient Mexico, The Triple Alliance of Tenochtitlan, Tetzcoco, and Tlacopan, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
  5. Chimalpahin Cuauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo de San Anton Munon, Codex Chimalpahin, 2 v., edited and translated by Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder, Normann University of Oklahoma Press, 1997.
  6. Codex Mendoza, 4 v., edited by Frances F. Berdan and Patricia Rieff Anawalt, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1992.
  7. Connerton, Paul, How Societies Remember, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  8. Cortes, Hernan, Cartas de relación, Mexico, Editorial Porrua, 1994 [1522].
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  10. Fentress, James and Chris Wickham, Social Memory, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers, 1992.
  11. Gruzinski, Serge, The Conquest of Mexico: The Incorporation of Indian Societies into the Western World, 16th-18th Centuries, translated by Eileen Corrigan, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1993.
  12. Haskett, Robert, Indigenous Rulers: An Ethnohistory of Town Government in Colonial Cuernavaca, Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1991.
  13. Haskett, Robert, Visions of Paradise: Primordial Titles and Mesoamerican History in Cuernavaca, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2005.
  14. Lockhart, James, Nahuas and Spaniards: Postconquest Nahua History and Philology, Stanford and Los Angeles, Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1991.
  15. ______, The Nahuas after the Conquest: A Social and Cultural History of the Indians of Central Mexico, Sixteenth through Eighteenth Centuries, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1992.
  16. ______, We People Here: Nahuatl Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico. Repertorium Columbianum, vol. 1, University of California Press and the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 1993.
  17. Lopez de Gomara, Francisco, Historia de la conquista de México, Mexico, Editorial Porrua, 1997 [1552].
  18. Magaloni-Kerpel, Diana, “Images of the Beginning: The Painted Story of the Conquest of Mexico in Book XII of the Florentine Codex”, Ph.D dissertation, Department of Art History, Yale University, 2004.
  19. ______, “Painting a New Era: Conquest, Prophecy, and the World to Come”, in Rebecca Brienen and Margaret Jackson (eds.), Invasion and Transformation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico, Boulder, University Press of Colorado, 2008, p. 125-149.
  20. Mengin, Ernst, ed. Unos Annales Históricos de la Nación Mexicana. Manuscrit mexicain no. 22; liber in lingua Nahuatl manuscriptus paucisque picturis linearibus ornatus ut est conservatus in Bibliotheca Nationis Gallicae Parisiensi sub numero XXII, archetypum. Manuscrit mexicain no. 22bis; ejusdem operis exemplum aetate posterius nonnullisque picturis linearibus ornatum, ut est conservatum in Bibliotheca Nationis Gallicae Parisiensi sub numero XXIIbis. Cum praefatione in lingua Britannica, Gallica, Germanica et Hispana atque indice paginarum edidit Ernst Mengin, Copenhagen, Havniae, E. Munksgaard, 1945.
  21. Miller, Mary, and Karl Taube, The Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico, New York and London, Thames and Hudson, 1993.
  22. Molina, fray Alonso de, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, Mexico, Editorial Porrua, 1977 [1571].
  23. Sahagun, fray Bernardino de, The Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain. Translated by Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble, Part IX, Book 8 Kings and Lords, Salt Lake City and Santa Fe, University of Utah Press and School of American Research, 1979.
  24. ______, The Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain, translated by Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble, Part I: Introductions and Indices, Salt Lake City and Santa Fe, University of Utah Press and School of American Research, 1982.
  25. Schroeder, Susan (ed.), The Conquest of Mexico All Over Again..., London, Sussex Academic Press, 2010.
  26. Sousa, Lisa and Kevin Terraciano, “The ‘Original Conquest’ of Oaxaca: Late Colonial Nahuatl and Mixtec Accounts of the Spanish Conquest”, Ethnohistory, 50:2 (Spring 2003).
  27. Taggart, James, Nahuat Myth and Social Structure, Austin, University of Texas Press, 1983.
  28. Tena, Rafael, Anales de Tlatelolco, Mexico, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2004.
  29. Terraciano, Kevin, “Three Texts in One: Book XII of the Florentine Codex”, Ethnohistory, 57:1 (Winter 2010).
  30. Wood, Stephanie, Transcending the Conquest: Nahua Views of Spanish Colonial Mexico, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2003.

Cómo citar

Terraciano, Kevin. 2014. «Narrativas De Tlatelolco Sobre La Conquista De México». Estudios De Cultura Náhuatl 47 (enero):211-35.
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